Monday, May 23, 2005

Various stuff

Saturday night Chris, Wendell and I went over to my neighbor's pad to watch the
All-Star race. My favorite driver, Mark Martin won. I was ecstatic. I was hoping he would get a win during his last season. He's got one, now get a couple more, Mark. Since he has been one of NASCAR's great drivers it would only be appropriate if he went out with a season that would be included in any conversation of "best last seasons ever."


I committed a party faux pas that night though. My neighbor Scott has a table in his living room that has hinges on and I hit my feet on his table a lot and bounce the section with the hinge up and down. This last Saturday Scott set a full beer on the hinged part of his table. I hit it and his beer went over and soaked some of his photographs, a good chunk of the table and his new carpet. He took it pretty hard, I'm still not sure if he was as crushed as he seemed or messing with me or both.


Tonight after work I am going to help a friend tweak his webpage. Yeah, you know it: How badly does someone need help with a webpage if they get assistance from me? The ship is sinking, the band is playing, all the lifeboats have left half full and the poor people are sucking cold sea water.


I went to Dick's Sporting Goods a couple of days ago to buy a new pump for my bicycle. I bought a foot pump for a little under $20 took it home and it didn't work. I took a good look at it then and realized it was junk. It was plastic and rickety and pretty much worthless. I don't know why I didn't notice how substandard it was when I had it in my hand at the store. Good news though, the good pump I have at home that I thought was broken started working right after the new one crapped out. I returned the new one to Dick's today and all is well. I still need to get my back brakes on my bike adjusted though. I don't know why I can't get it right myself.

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