How not to deal with the homeless
A couple of weeks back one of the delightful homeless fucks that populate the library all day every day threatened me, called me terrible names and I had security toss his dumb ass oughtta here. I think I may have talked about on the ole blog. He called me a "homo queer boy" and a few other things that made less sense.
Today, at about 8:20, I am walking down the sidewalk to work with my headphones cranking out the new Waco Brothers CD and I see some scruffy homeless guy on one of the benches saying something to me. I think he is asking for some change so I pull one of my ear pieces off so I can hear the usual babble and then I realize it's my old buddy, the incoherent homophobe. I starts shouting at me, stuff like 'homo,' 'fag' and 'queer' and 'what are you looking at?' I don't know what caused me to do this but I looked at the guy and said 'go fuck yourself, dude.' He almost jumped out of the bench and he really got mad and started yelling. I probably shouldn't have said that but fuck him, I hate being intimidated. He's probably going to be waiting for me outside with a shank one of these days. If they find me dead in the street you know what happened. Avenge me, boy! Aveeeeenge Me!
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