Friday, November 20, 2015

West Bay Panorama

On the way back from Meijer today I stopped by West Bay to take a few pictures. I may be cold and windy this week but it is still beautiful out.

West Bay Panorama

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

More Halo Chaos

These are some shots of me playing free for all in Halo 5. The first segment is me chasing a guy down and taking him out, the second three segments feature me getting bumped off and the final segment is me blowing up a couple of fools. Good stuff.

Monday, November 02, 2015

Halo 5

I've been having some fun with the new Halo that came out last week. I have been playing a lot of games of team death match and free for all. It took me a couple of days of heavy playing to get my Halo legs back and it has been worth it. The video below is me ending a match with a triple kill. I'm not sure why this particular team was all hiding in these rocks. We were stomping their ass and it may have been because they were hiding in the rocks the whole time. Sometimes when I am on a particularly shitty team I will run and hide. I am nobody's cannon fodder.

I am disappointed in the theater mode in this version of Halo. You have to use it in conjunction with the game DVR on the Xbox One and that system is not good. You have to start recording on the DVR and then go back to the game and start the video in order to record a segment. It is the opposite of user friendly. The editing that is available on the Xbox One is atrocious. I have had to resort to uploading segments to Youtube and editing them into a longer video using Youtube's editor which is much better than what is provided on the Xbox. One of the main complaints I have about the Xbox One is the user interface. I have found it to be a step backwards from what was available on the Xbox 360.